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Make Internet-of-Things easy through services from Ambiductor

AmbiSolution Power

In a demanding energy industry with high demands on quality data and large costs to save within optimization, high demands are placed on data collection and visualization. AmbiSolution Power meets these needs and should not be compared to general IoT platforms that only collect and visualize data.

Developed together with Swedish companies in the necessities sector to solve the tasks the industry is facing.

All data is validated and saved time-controlled for several years' future needs. Data is owned by the customer and can be streamed to long-term storage on a server within their own organization. Data is refined to find connections, anomalies and reduces the need for detours and wrongly focused service efforts.

The service has been developed in a socially and economically sustainable way.

Some use cases

  • Collect billing data from thermal energy meters Monitor pipeline temperatures, pressures and operational data
  • Log all information from production facilities and pumps
  • Get all billing information automatically to your financial system
  • Find potential problems in your measurement system that you can fix

Why AmbiSolution Power?

AmbiSolution Power

General IoT platform

Refine data based on what is collected

Presents meter data only

Built in-house from the ground up for affordable scale and long-term operation

Often built on third-party services that don't scale well and can be shut down

Run by a profitable and stable company

Often loss-making companies that are financed with capital injections that run out

Share data and knowledge with others in the industry

Limited knowledge sharing

Installation planning with app, meter register, stock status and weekly reports

Manual work

Support from knowledgeable measurement technicians

Support without industry knowledge

Standardized support for multiple infrastructure choices

Limited transparency

What is included in the service?

  • Data collection via IoT operator
  • Quality assured data through validation
  • Time-controlled data storage
  • Statistics such as top consumers
  • Report API
  • Support for all well-known billing systems
  • User management
  • Connection of district- and sectional meters
  • Support for all well-known products
  • Connectivity analysis
  • Alarm handling
  • Simplified meter register
  • Trend and metrics analysis
  • Meter diagnostics

Additional services

  • Long-term storage on customer-owned server
  • Zoning of meters
  • Support for customer-unique products
  • Support for customer unique API
  • Statistical leak detection
  • Acoustic leak detection
  • Weekly reports
  • Customer-specific alarms with notifications
  • Extended diagnostics

Selected cooperation partners

The software has been developed in consultation with the operators Netmore, Stadshubbsalliansen, Servanet, Kurbit, Telia, Tele2 and Telenor.

There is an established collaboration with billing systems and analysis systems such as EDP Future, Debatt and Momentum.

We also collaborate with various hardware suppliers and integrators.

Request a quote

AmbiSolution is produced by Ambiductor AB and delivered through certified partners such as Instrumentteam AS and Dahl Sverige AB.